About Shatkarma in human life

Shatkarma or Shat Kriya

Shatkarma, a lot of six starter rehearsals, was used by old yogis to scrub the body inside, setting it up for higher demonstrations of asana and pranayama.

Combining the Sanskrit words “Pooped” (which means “Six”) and “Karma” (which means “Activity performed to accomplish a few wanted results”), the phrase Shatkarma was born. It’s also known as Crapped Kriya in Hindi (Karma = Kriya).

Historical Context

Gheranda Samhita: According to Maharishi Gheranda, satkarma is the central component of yoga. He explains that without Shatkarma, advancement in yoga would be difficult to achieve, highlighting the need of bodily purification and washing as the most crucial aspects of yoga.
Hatha Pradipika: Shatkarma treatments are mostly recommended for experts who have extra fat and Kapha in their body by their inventor, Master Swatmarama. There are some differences in how the six Shatkarma practices evolve across these sources.

The sequence of Shatkarma Practices (Gheranda’s Sequence)

  1. Dhauti
  2. Basti
  3. Neti
  4. Nauli
  5. Trataka
  6. Kapalbhati

Detailed Practices

1. Dhauti

  • Dhauti comprises many purification techniques that target different bodily parts:Danta Dhauti: Cleanses the head and mouth, encompassing:
    Danta Mula Dhauti: Scrubs the teeth’s foundation.
    Jhiva Dhauti: helps with expanding by cleansing the tongue.

    Karna Dhauti: Cleans the ears.
    Kapala Randhra Dhauti: The back rubs the front of the head.
    Antar Dhauti: Scrubs the lower abdomen or any organ connected to the stomach using four types of
    Vatsara Dhauti: Uses air.
    Varisara Dhauti: Uses water.
    Agnisara Dhauti: Uses fire.
    Bahiskrita Dhauti: Uses held air.
    Hrid Dhauti: Purifies upper stomach organs:
    Danda Dhauti: Uses a stick.
    Vastra Dhauti: uses fabric.
    Vamana Dhauti: Includes instigated regurgitating.
    Moola Shodhana Dhauti: Uses a sensitive turmeric root to cleanse the rectum.

  • 2. Basti
  • Basti purifies the internal organ, treating stomach infections. It includes bringing water into the internal organ through the butt and then stirring it with the abs. Types include:Sthala Basti
    Jala Basti
  • 3. Neti
  • Neti decontaminates the nasal entries.Jala Neti: Uses water.
    Sutra Neti: Uses an elastic string.4. TratakaTrataka scrubs the eyes through consistent looking.

    Inward Trataka: Spotlights on the third eye (between eyebrows).
    Outside Trataka: Spotlights on an external thing, regularly a fire.

    5. Nauli

    Nauli strengthens fire associated to the stomach by including the progression of lower solid solidarity.

    Madhya Nauli: Focal arrangement of abs muscles.
    Vama Nauli: left-side arrangement of abs muscles.
    Dakshina Nauli: Right-side arrangement of abs muscles.

    6. Kapalbhati

    Kapalbhati uses a particular breathing technique that emphasises dynamic exhalation and uninvolved internal breath to further increase frontal brain capacity. This technique eliminates more degradation of CO2 gas, further developing sterilisation.

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